What Type Of Millennials Are Your Ukrainian Woman and You?
Who are millennials? Are you the one? Does your Ukrainian Girlfriend belong to the Millenial Generation? This is a generation born in the late eighties and early nineties. The word "Millennials" was invented and put into use by William Strauss and Neil Hove, who wrote several research books on this topic. The "millennials" are full of other names given to them by sociologists and journalists - the "Next generation", "the generation of Peter Pan", and "Generation Y". But what are they? To understand this, experts from Exponential Company conducted a large-scale (4 million people involved) study, which resulted in a classification of 12 subgroups of the Y generation. According to Brian Melmed, vice president of Exponential, each group is more determined by a characteristic reaction to the economy, globalization, and social media.

Who are they: Having no job and no prospects, since either their profession is poorly quoted on the market, or they have no education at all.
Characteristics: These are usually men living on the outskirts of the provinces. They have less and less hope for a bright future.

Who are they: Self-confident careerists.
Characteristics: Financial well-being, equal attitude to romantic adventures, feminism in combination with typically female purchases - cookbooks, dishes and so on.

Who are they: Hipsters and other mods wishing to avoid responsibility and inclusion in real life here and now.
Characteristics: Fans of the old school in all senses. Useless pastime.

Who are they: Workers- "technicians", accustomed to spending their free time in a purely masculine style.
Characteristics: Career ambitions, freak-computer enthusiasm, sport and beer enthusiasm, regular manifestations of sexism.

Who are they: The young people who recently received a diploma of higher education who are trying to rent housing in the centre, while their career does not go up the hill.
Characteristics: Higher education, complete autonomy from parents, occasional low earnings and living in a company of friends at "good" addresses in decent areas.

Who are they: Obsessed with travel within the budget options, young people who want to learn the world as detailed as possible.
Characteristics: They have little money but a passion for changing places. They rule several languages, love sports, and feel themselves cosmopolitan.

Who are they: Lovers of different gastronomic formats.
Characteristics: Adore exotics in food, are obsessed with authenticity; Unlike travelers-enthusiasts, they have money, but there is no time for travel.

Who are they: Those who endlessly produce content in social networks.

Characteristics: Maniacal passion for not to be, but to seem. Passion for selfie. Passion for everything new only because it's terrible to miss the next trend.
Who are they: Consumers of content.
Characteristics: Read other people's posts, watch the tape, they do not write anything and do not spread.

Who are they: Emotionally unstable, falling into a stupor from the abundance of life choices.
Characteristics: Debt, parental control, inability to make a choice in anything, the propensity to religious and spiritual practices.

Who are they: Healthy and adequate in all senses young mothers.
Characteristics: Very active in social networks, active and as buyers - 71% of young mothers earn their living. The concern is that everywhere and everything is in time, concern for one's health.

Who are they: Young millennials, who themselves form their own social content and with its help show that everything stylish and supposedly difficult in reality is very simple. To some extent, this is the version of Martha Stewart (an American business lady, writer and TV presenter), only formatted for generational features.
Characteristic features: Similar to something with "emotional waste", but only more picky in the formation of their content.

Commenting on the study, Brian Melmed said that it would be impossible to bring all types of millennials together, but their classification will facilitate understanding of who we have to interact with. According to Melmed, "Millenials are the most diverse and heterogeneous generation than everything that we met before." There is almost nothing in common between categories because Generation Y is a patchwork quilt.

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