Our site is a meeting place for ladies and gentlemen from all over the world.

You may speak different languages, have varying tastes in food, or live in a world that could not be more different. Yet you have one thing in common – a desire to find your love, no matter how far away she is now.

If you are still looking for your significant other, maybe the one that is meant for you lives in one of the countries of Eastern Europe??

We are happy to offer you a convenient way to find your match. Even if she does not speak your language yet, we have this covered. A professional linguist will translate your letters to her, and her replies to you will be translated into English. We also offer a flowers and gifts delivery service and videos made by ladies especially for our site.

To make these services possible, we have contracted dozens of local service providers across Eastern Europe and specifically Ukraine. They invite single ladies to register with our site. Their professional photographers take photos and videos, their linguists translate letters, and couriers deliver your gifts to ladies and take photos the moment they are delivered.

Considering the modern age of progress, we have integrated the option of Online text Chat for our users to have a chance to talk spontaneously, chat and exchange photos.