- February is a TIME OF CARNIVALS!
Although February is a winter time, the month is really warm by emotions. The St. Valentine’s Day is like its culmination, but there are some other not less bright and picturesque events. February is a TIME OF CARNIVALS! Starting from Feb’11 till Feb’27 numerous countries will be enjoying this dreamlike event rooting in centuries..
Feb’11 - Carnival of Venice – probably the most magnificent one! It will last for 12 days!
Feb’16 - Carnival in Lucerne (Switzerland); Carnival in Mexico; Carnival in Germany;
Feb’17 - Carnival in Nice;
Feb’18 - Rio Carnival in Brazil;
Feb’19 - Carnival in Luxembourg; Carnival in Netherlands; Carnival in Portugal;
Feb’23 - Bernese carnival (Switzerland);
Feb’27 - Carnival in Basel – Fasnacht (Switzerland).
Look through the details online and make a plan for the perfect meeting! The excitement of the first date and the intrigue of what is happening around will surely make you closer to each other. which costume would you wear – Romeo or Kasanova?
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