- International Hug Day- Jan’21!
Dear Friends,
The most expected time of Christmas and New Year holidays has come to its end. We are fulfilled with hopes and new expectations. We are open to new contacts and meetings. This is the right time for the International Hug Day that is celebrated on January 21! This is the day when you can even give a hug to an unknown person and it won’t be weird, but it will give both of you only positive emotions! There is something special about it for sure. In 2016 it will be 30 years since the first given hug!
This is the high time to come to a lady you’ve been corresponding for all this time, to a woman you’ve sent presents through the site and whose smile amazed you each time you saw her face getting flowers and sweets.. Yes, perfect timing for a hug! And even if you don’t have a chance to make it right now, you can show your wish by sending her a nice Teddy Bear or a Fruit basket that will be like a ray of sun through these cold winter days.
We are always here to give you a piece of good advice!
Always Yours
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