Ski Resorts vs Disneyland! What does your Slavic bride prefer?
Are you and your Slavic bride fond of skiing? Then the information below is just for you.

November marks the beginning of the season at many ski resorts. In the middle of November, Ski areas in Austria, Finland, France, and Switzerland open. Also in the middle of the month, Eastern Europe resorts, located on Dombai, in the Khibiny or in Shoria Mountain, begin their work. Norway already has natural snow in November and snowboard parks and ski centers are opening.

Traditionally, at the end of November, the first guests will be received by the Korean resort Yongpyeong (Dragon Valley) and other ski resorts in this country, which have been gaining popularity among Russian women lately.

In Spain, the skiing areas open near the end of November, so the trip to ski resorts is better to postpone until December.

Warm November days in the beginning of the month are combined with school holidays in Eastern Europe. So, of course, it's better to take children somewhere where it's warm, bright and interesting. An excellent choice for this situation will become European entertainment parks, for example, Disneyland in Paris for young students and Port Aventura for active teenagers. Boys can be taken to the BMW Welt in Munich, the Mercedes Museum in Stuttgart or to the Ferrari Museum in the Italian Maranello. Girls will be interested in palaces and castles: for example, the Alhambra in Spanish Granada or the Pena Palace in Portuguese Sintra.

Comfortable weather for a beach fall holiday can be found in Egypt, Jordan, and Israel. Have a nice November holiday!!!

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