What kind of professionals do women most often try to look for on dating sites?
Recently it became clear that on dating sites Slavic women prefer only the 5 most common male professions. What are these professions? And why do they most attract Russian women?

Probably few will be surprised, but doctors are first by many women's social surveys and polls when it comes to the most desirable profession for a man. A male dentist or a plastic surgeon is the dream of 65% of women surveyed. Why is that? It's pretty simple! This work includes many truly attractive qualities: intelligence, education and a very lucrative career. And the opportunity to treat your teeth for free and, if you wish, “correct” your appearance, seems like a dream of any modern woman. And since the world will always need doctors, this profession is likely to always be the most attractive for all women.

Studies on dating sites have shown that a male lawyer takes an honorable second place. Jurisprudence is a fairly stable profession that requires higher education and sincere devotion to the law and justice. But do not forget that the best lawyers easily earn six-figure and even seven-figure salaries. As a rule, most Slavic women want a sense of security from their relationship, both financially, physically, and emotionally. And do not forget that lawyers are smart people who are able to protect women from any possible fraud.

Of course, Slavic women would like to meet a future spouse with whom they do not have to worry about money. But in addition to money, status and potential risks, entrepreneurs show such important personality traits as courage and ambitiousness. Therefore, even if a male entrepreneur has not yet achieved great heights, but has a desire for self-improvement, the Russian woman is well aware that in the end he will certainly succeed. By the way, Russian women are very good at supporting their men.

Finance / Banking Managers
The profession of a financial manager is also one of the most popular male professions according to women aged 23 to 45 years. Such a profession clearly shows Russian girls that a man has money and knows perfectly well what to do with it, unlike a businessman, he is not used to risks and always tries to minimize them. But money is not the only reason financial managers are attractive. Women can also value their status and career opportunities.

Successful engineers are pretty smart people. They understand how to solve problems to achieve the final result. Their creative, mathematical and flexible mind allows them to develop in such a complex profession as engineering. And women believe that such thinking is great for relationships. In addition, men who masterfully work with hands and head have always been the most attractive for women of all ages.

Your profession is not on the list?
In general, it may seem that money for women is still key, but somehow this is not the only thing they are looking for in men. If you read carefully, you might have noticed that Russian women usually want to meet confident and intelligent men with a social status and a desire for self-improvement, and these qualities are inherent in many professions.

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