You didn't know this fact about luck before. Slavic wife can help.
A woman's creative thinking is much stronger than a man’s, so her ability to influence fate is very high, both her own destiny and the fate of her husband.

When a woman is experiencing pleasure and happiness from the relationship, her man becomes lucky, all the doors are opened for him and luck begins to follow him closely. Because of the Slavic lady's happy and satisfied internal state and the power of her creative thinking, the woman blesses her husband's success and attracts favourable events into his life. Due to the woman the flow of goodness, good luck and prosperity, or the flow of destructive power is directed to the man.

The woman is closely linked with subtle spheres, the world of energy, so her thoughts, and her inner emotional state, forming the physical plan, are implemented faster. If the wife is not satisfied with the family life, the husband is not happy, it will be difficult to realize himself, and it will be difficult to succeed.

Why do the wise men spend money on their women? Why do they try to protect them from any, unpleasant work and surround them only with pleasant experiences? They know that a satisfied woman is a source of prosperity and happiness for the whole family.

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