Sweet stories Tips

Scientists have figured out what the “perfect time” is for men to have sex. Researcher Stephen Jay Winter of the University of Louisville has developed a chart that showed fluctuations in the level...
Family dinners, intrigues and scandals: Seven Thanksgiving Day movies to watch with Ukrainian girl
Thanksgiving Day is a starting point for the holiday season, which lasts till Christmas and New Year. In addition, this day has a lot of family traditions that the Americans have complied with for ...

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Ski Resorts vs Disneyland! What does your Slavic bride prefer?
Are you and your Slavic bride fond of skiing? Then the information below is just for you. November marks the beginning of the season at many ski resorts. In the middle of November, Ski areas in...
What Type Of Millennials Are Your Ukrainian Woman and You?
Who are millennials? Are you the one? Does your Ukrainian Girlfriend belong to the Millenial Generation? This is a generation born in the late eighties and early nineties. The word "Millennials" wa...