Ten Top Ways to Be the Best Boyfriend for Your Slavic Girl
Are you looking for tips on how to tune your relationship and make your girlfriend from Ukraine like you? Read our list where we suggest you the ways to achieve it.

Encourage her! Of course, encouragement is the best motivation for people of any age. Use it, be happy when she is successful, and lift her up when she is down.

Be Open With Her. Open your soul to her and you will win her heart. Guys who can learn how to be open always get the girls!

Be Her Best Friend
Once your girlfriend feels like she can open up to you about anything, it's a great sign to her that you're really invested in the relationship. You can't have an amazing relationship with her without being great friends too.

Be Consistent and Reliable
If she never knows what to expect from you, she won't stick around! Show her that she can always count on you and trust you to have her back! Make a point to show up on time and return phone calls.

Be Willing to Compromise
Compromises are an essential part of any relationship. That doesn't mean you have to do everything she wants, but learning how to meet in the middle will show her that you also value her needs.

Make Her Laugh
Studies have shown that women find humour to be one of the sexiest qualities in a man. Ridiculous, fun moments are the best part of a relationship. Learn how to put a smile on her face and cheer her up when she's sad through laughter.

Bringing her a cup of chicken noodle soup and spending time with her when she's sick will show her how much you care! Women are natural nurturers, but men who can find ways to nurture back will have their girlfriend's heart forever!

Always Be Excited to See Her
Some women need the validation of knowing you're not bored with her. Make a point to smile and hug her every single time you see her! It'll make her feel special and show her that you're definitely a keeper!

Show Her She Can Depend On You
Women know that a guy who's a keeper is a guy who's dependable! If she needs a ride, you show up, even if you don't really want to. If she needs help moving some furniture, you're there, even if it's not convenient to you.

Make Her a Priority
Always put her above everything else in your life, including friends and entertainment. Stick to the plans you make with her. You don't have to cancel hanging out with your friends, but if you've planned a date with her avoid changing the plans to be with your friends instead.

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