The 26th of November - Thanksgiving Day!
On the fourth Thursday of November in the United States people celebrate Thanksgiving Day. So, it means that on the 26 of November one of the most popular holidays in the country will be celebrated.

Thanksgiving Day is associated with a number of traditions that Americans sacredly keep up and observe. On the threshold of this holiday charity is quite a common phenomenon: Americans try to feed and bring some happiness to their neighbors, who are not so lucky.

Family members go to a church and after the service get together at the festive table.

The second most important attribute of Thanksgiving Day is a turkey.
During the first celebration, the colonists and the Indians roasted and ate together four turkeys which had been shot down in the nearest forest. Since that time, the turkey and Thanksgiving Day have become the synonyms. Poultry farmers fatten turkeys specially for this holiday.

The parades and fun are the third attribute of the holiday (mostly in costumes of 17th century and costumes of Indians).

We heartily congratulate you on this very good holiday! Moreover, we hope that you will tell your beloved about your family traditions and perhaps you will celebrate together, visiting her or inviting her to your place. Definitely, events like this bring people together!

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