New features in your INBOX
The beginning of spring joyfully meets us with the innovations at Every day we do our best to make your presence at our website easy and comfortable.

Here is a list of the changes that have recently been applied at our website:

1. Your INBOX has a vertical menu at the right side of the screen and you can filter your incoming messages by: All, New, Read, Answered, Not Answered, New replies, Not Answered replies. An absolutely new filter ”Kissed by you” only shows messages that have been received from those ladies you’ve previously sent a kiss to.

2. “Kissed by you” icon now appears on a thumbnail picture of a lady who sent you a message and you’ve previously sent a free kiss to her.

3. If a correspondence with a lady is more than one letter, the number of all messages between you will be shown as “All Messages [N]” right at a lady’s message block.

Actually all messages at your inbox will be marked:

“first letter” – means that the lady is writing you first.
“emails you again” – means that it’s not the first message from this lady.
“reply” – says for itself and means that she is replying to your message.

For your convenience a message field for sending a reply or a new message is also much bigger now!

All the innovations are based on your advice we’ve recently got. We would highly appreciate your comments and feedback.

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